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No notices reported this month
The incident regarding website assets not loading has been resolved. Our hosting provider was under maintenance, so restoration times were higher than usual. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Website assets are not loading and the site is performing slower than usual. We’re currently investigating this incident and should have it fixed soon.
The navigation menu on mobile devices for the main website is now operational. We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
The navigation menu on mobile devices for the main website is currently unavailable. We are investigating this issue and are looking into a fix.
We have implemented a fix and the XWD Minecraft Server is back up. We apologize for any inconvenience during this time.
The XWD Minecraft Server is currently down as we have hit our storage limit for the machine running it. We’re currently implementing a fix and it should be up soon.
GWES Datacenter server hardware was successfully replaced. This incident has been resolved, we apologize for the inconvenience.
The main server for GWES Datacenter - Missoula, has suffered a critical failure. Replacement hardware is in route. The Minecraft server will continue to be down until further notice.
The problem at GWES Datacenter - Missoula has been identified, we are currently working on a resolution.
We are currently investigating this incident and working to get them up soon.
Mar 2024 to May 2024